We've got loads of resources to help you share the good news of Jesus with the next generation


Our Partners

— Word of Life South Africa

The resources include 4 weeks FREE Word of Life Quiet Time (Daily devotion) for the entire family, from 4 years old upwards, Bible activities for children, ideas on Christian services, how to share the Gospel and many good reading suggestions!

— Easter Devotional

Christmas seems to be the most prominent holiday in the Christian calendar. But Christmas is nothing without Easter. The gospel story goes from the cradle to the cross. The incredible story of Easter is interwoven with themes of love, betrayal, sacrifice, pride, and surprise. This devotional is a tool for parents to use with their children to connect with the amazing power of Christ’s death and resurrection.

This year our devotional looks at the seven “I am” statement that Jesus makes in the Gospel of John. Each day we will look at a different statement, building towards Sunday: “I am the resurrection and the life”!

— 7-day Easter Family Devotional

Our Easter family tradition has been to gather at our local church for short evening services on the Monday to Thursday of Holy Week. Then on Friday morning we have joined a Good Friday service, coming together again on
Sunday morning to celebrate the miracle of Christ’s resurrection! Even for our family that is alot of gathering for one week!

This year things are very different because of the Corona Virus restrictions that are in place. However, this is still a crucial time in the Christian calendar and so I want to share with you what our family will be doing in the hopes that it will spur you on to do something similar

— Resources for Family: How to disciple your kids at home

Christmas seems to be the most prominent holiday in the Christian calendar. But Christmas is nothing without Easter. The gospel story goes from the cradle to the cross. The incredible story of Easter is interwoven with themes of love, betrayal, sacrifice, pride, and surprise. This devotional is a tool for parents to use with their children to connect with the amazing power of Christ’s death and resurrection.

This year our devotional looks at the seven “I am” statement that Jesus makes in the Gospel of John. Each day we will look at a different statement, building towards Sunday: “I am the resurrection and the life”!

—Khula 60

So you’ve decided to follow Jesus? I guess that’s why someone put this book into your hand. You came face to face with a story about Jesus and you decided to follow him. That is incredible, and it is the best decision you will ever make! One you will have to make again every day, and certainly not always the easiest or the least confusing… but the best for sure.

It is important that you begin this journey understanding the commitment you have been called into. God doesn’t want to be a hobby or a part-time belief or something you do on the weekends or when it suits you.

He wants to be involved in every part of your life – from your relationship with your parents to how you spend your money to what things fill your mind with to the decisions you make about study and work relationships and sex.

God loves you completely and the invitation He gives is for you to “deny yourself and take up your cross daily and follow Him.”

—Come Along

“Come Along and Read About” is a series of Bible Reading books that help young children between the ages of 6 and 9 years to read the Bible by themselves, or with the help of an adult. Each day there are Bible verses to read about, activities to do and a prayer.

—Khula for Kids

Khula for Kidz is a magazine aimed at 8 – 12-year-olds. It aims to inspire young people with stories of other Christians following God and teaches them how to read the Bible.

The Bible readings are based on the E100 Bible Reading Challenge. Each issue has three and a half months worth of Bible readings. It starts in Genesis and works systematically through the Bible ending in Revelation.

Khula is a Zulu word, meaning ‘Grow’.

We aim to help young people GROW in their Christian faith.

— Reels: Hope in my story

Social Media is full of short, entertaining videos, posts and pictures that tell the stories of what is happening in people’s lives.

However, for many children, their real-life “stories” can make them feel hopeless. This material is designed to speak into their circumstances and encourage our young people to find the love, joy and peace of Jesus. We want to show them that their current circumstances do not need to define them.

The Holiday Club resource team has been hard at work developing a fantastic resource that is current and contextual.

The theme for this year’s Holiday Club is REELS – HOPE IN MY STORY.

Social Media is full of short, entertaining videos, posts and pictures that tell the stories of what is happening in people’s lives. However, for many children, their real-life “stories” can make them feel hopeless. This material is designed to speak into their circumstances and encourage our young people to find the love, joy and peace of Jesus. We want to show them that their current circumstances do not need to define them.

When you purchase online you will receive

— Justice Generation

Justice Generation invites every child to become a ‘Superhero for Justice’ everywhere they go—in their families, with their friends and in their neighbourhoods. This brand new SU Holiday Club material will focus on understanding not only how God views justice, but how young people can be agents of change in their communities by standing up for others, crossing boundaries of difference and committing to act justly in every area of their lives. Jesus shows the way! The Justice Generation is packed full of examples from the Bible that demonstrate how Jesus stood up for justice and acted justly to those around Him. Justice Generation will also show how we are transformed through knowing Jesus, and when that happens, he helps us to act and not just stand by. The goal? Young people will be encouraged to treat others the way God would treat them, knowing that all people are valuable to God and are special, despite the many ways we are different.

God loves justice! (Ps. 33.5) Scripture is filled with stories of God moving on behalf of those who cry out for justice, who turn to Him for the help that they need. And He calls His people to be just like He is!

What’s in Justice Generation?

The material is available both in print form and online. When you purchase Justice Generation, you receive everything you need to run a successful 5-day primary school holiday club! We’re talking Bible presentations, a drama, crafts, object lessons, memory verses, creative prayer and games. The manual is packed with useful planning information and ideas, and every bit of content relates not only to our superhero theme, but also the spiritual theme and lesson for each day. The content is challenging and engaging, all wrapped up in the fun of the superhero world! After all, we are raising young leaders and we want them to be a generation who stands up for justice!

When you purchase online you will receive

— Never Alone

Life is tough – especially when you’re a kid. And this can often leave us feeling misunderstood, overwhelmed, and ultimately like no-one understands what we are possibly going through.

JESUS does! He understands and He knows! NEVER ALONE 2019 is here to tell us this!!

When you purchase online you will receive

— Wild World Holiday Club Material

WELCOME TO “WILD WORLD” Come with us as we venture into the wild world of the African bushveld. Join an unlikely group of animal friends on their search for water and the promised land! Follow them as they learn important spiritual foundations such as salvation, prayer, community and reaching out. We’ll get to know the different animals along the way and discover their passions, like Oh’s insatiable love for reading! We’ll see how the Bible and following Jesus helps the group find their way and get through some sticky situations, and how we can learn from these lessons too.

One of the ideas behind this theme is to teach some important Biblical and spiritual truths in a fun, exciting and relevant way. We want to encourage the children to see how unlikely groups of friends can come together and love and support one another because of Christ. We want to activate their imaginations as we venture into the bush, something some holiday club goers might know very little about, but will get to experience through each day at holiday club.

Embrace the differences that make each character unique: T-Bone’s stutter, G’s braces or Oh’s glasses. We want to show that everyone is welcome on the journey and Jesus made us all special. Get your Bush Campers together and get your wild on!

— L'Vaya Mzansi Holiday Club Material

Our 2017 theme “L’vaya Mzanzi Road Trip” is packed with everything you need to run a successful holiday club.

Each pack includes: – Programme overview – Bible stories – Small group activities – Crafts – Memory verses – Object lessons – Games – Detailed leaders’ notes – Theme song – Leaders’ devotions – Leaders’ training

– 5 x A2 advertising posters – 200 x A5 fliers with registration form – 1 x hard copy of every reproductable sheet needed to run the holiday club. – 20 x “Starting Out” booklets for children interested in salvation

—Mission Unstoppable Holiday Club Material

This spy adventure themed programme is action-packed for ultimate fun!

It follows the story of the Israelite’s escape from Egypt and the children are encouraged to investigate Go’s unstoppable mission to save His people.


— Cosmic Quest Holiday Club Material

You’ve been selected for a very special mission.

Join Zac and his loyal dog, Spot, along with Captain Immanuel, as they need to complete their mission to an unexplored planet – learning spiritual truths along the way.

It’s going to be out of this world!

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