If they’re old enough to read, they’re old enough to read God’s Word for themselves.

Bible Engagement

One of the key ways we aim to ‘help young people know and walk with God’ is through our weekly fun-filled and exciting gatherings of students across denominations. These groups are completely voluntary and provide the opportunity for thousands of otherwise unchurched children and youth to learn about the good news of Jesus! Under the guidance of an enthusiastic and passionate teacher, parent, or volunteer, young people are encouraged to explore their faith in Jesus and to help them become thoughtful and regular Bible readers. This is done through stories, games, discussions, music, testimonies and so much more! In both Primary and High schools, Christian groups are called different things but we call them SCGs.

We believe it is vital to not only support young people across schools but also to encourage and strengthen Christian teachers. We help to resource and support teachers, gap year teams or voluntary workers to run these weekly meetings. Sharing the Christian message and values by SU leaders through SCGs continues to have a transformative impact on young people, helping them develop as whole people – socially, mentally, spiritually and physically, enabling them to witness to their schools and communities. Thousands across South Africa bear testimony to the value of SCGs in Primary Schools and High Schools.

Contact your nearest SU regional office for more information on how to start an SCG in your school.

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